One of the hardest things to pack when you are moving is furniture. Some furniture like beds, tables and chairs have to be disassembled so they can be packed with ease and save on space when you put them in the moving truck. Some furniture cannot be disassembled at all and it will require a lot of skill and creativity to properly wrap these items for furniture storage.
If you have no idea how to wrap furniture, then here are a few tips on the right methods of packing furniture for proper furniture storage. You should first start with having all the necessary packing materials close by, materials such as; cardboard boxes, packing tape, news papers, rags or old blankets, bubble wrap, twine or rope, and labeling materials.
In wrapping solid furniture that cannot be disassembled like cabinets, tables, chairs and others, make sure you cover the edges first with bubble wrap or newspaper. Then, open the cardboard boxes and lay them flat. You should use these pieces of cardboard to cover the entire furniture before securing them together with tape. Finally, use a marker pen to indicate which side of the furniture is up and label them accordingly.
When wrapping furniture that has mirrors or glass like dressers or cabinets, be sure to insulate the mirrors. Try to detach the glass panes from the cabinet and wrap each piece with bubble wrap or numerous layers of newspapers and ensure they are totally covered with cardboard boxes. It is also recommended to bundle them together securely with tape. If the mirror cannot be taken off the furniture then wrap it with several layers of bubble wrap or a blanket before covering with cardboard.
Again, secure the cardboard pieces tightly with tape, and indicate if the wrapped items are glass or mirror and write “Fragile” on its label. This is important so that when you transport these items, they will be handled with more care.
For furniture that can be disassembled, wrap each piece separately with several layers of cardboard. Make sure the edges are covered with bubble wrap, newspapers or rags so they won’t have any scratches while being carried around. Next, bundle all the pieces together with tape and put a label indicating what furniture is contained under all that wrapping. By bundling the pieces together it minimises losing a piece and will make it easier for you to reassemble.
By knowing the right methods of packing your furniture, you can minimise damage while it is being moved to a new location or when you are keeping it in furniture storage.