Storage becomes a big problem when you just don’t know how to do it. Certain furniture items require disassembling and a precise technique of packing in order to store it properly. Electrical equipment and appliances need to be disconnected from their power source and properly stored with all their cables, wiring and other accessories.
Hiring a company like All Purpose Removals & Storage saves you the time, effort and energy in packing and storing all your stuff. These companies specialise in services like providing you with the right supplies required for moving your items like boxes, tape, paper and labels. They can render the tedious job of wrapping each item properly. They can also disassemble your furniture and disconnect electrical appliances for you so it can be ready for removal. The company will ensure each piece of item that you own is properly packed, labelled and transported to its correct destination.
Professional storage companies also have special services such as assisting customers in preremoval and removal needs. They can even provide a temporary storage facility for your items until you are ready to relocate to your permanent home. They even do a pre and post house removal cleaning which includes pest control services. Add to that, they can also provide transportation of pets and vehicles. Furthermore, as an added service, they can assist in unpacking and re-assembly of your furniture and installation of your electrical appliances.
These services can be acquired by paying the company a per hour basis or with a single fixed price. You can ask for a no obligations quotation of their services by filling out an application form online. You will need to provide the company with general information such as your name and contact details like home phone, work phone, mobile number, email address and company name. They will need the origin details such as where they should pick up the items to be moved and the destination details (where they should bring these items).
The rates will depend on the services that you need, the destination, the number of hours required, the day of the home removal and others variables. There may be extra fees to be paid to cover the extra travel time of the drivers depending on the location these items need to be delivered to. So, if packing your stuff to move into another location is causing you a big headache then it would be better to hire the services of a professional home removal company to do all the dirty, and tedious work for you.